If you've ever wanted to improvise over a 12 bar blues or other chord progressions, you'll want to have the Bebop Scale under your fingers. The good news is it's easy!
On February 15 @ 7pm, we'll be running the Bebop Scale Boot Camp workshop. For those who sign up this weekend, you'll receive all the material in advance, including notes in standard notation/tabs, backing tracks, and an outline of what to expect. We'll have some Breakout Jam Rooms, giving you the opportunity to play with other guitarists. I've added some preliminary notes below to help get you started. You can find this and more with the complete approach in my book on the Bebop Scale: https://www.edlevyguitar.com/product-page/bebop-scale-boot-camp
Sign up now, spots are limited. First-timers and beginners are welcome.
Now, go up to the 2nd note of each scale (F, Bb, C) and descend the bebop scale. Doing this extends your line by a beat.