I'm thrilled to announce that I have accepted a teaching position in guitar studies at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UALR). I will be joining the faculty of the Department of Music as an adjunct professor starting in January 2024.
I will be teaching remotely both jazz and classical guitar to music students at UALR, using the latest online platforms and tools. I'm looking forward to working with the talented students and colleagues at UALR, and contributing to the vibrant musical culture of the campus and the city. I'm also eager to explore the diverse and innovative programs that UALR offers, such as the Bachelor of Arts in Music Industry Studies and the Master of Music in Jazz Studies.
We're also in the stages of planning a visit to the campus for performances, workshops, and lectures in the spring. I'm excited to meet the UALR community in person and share my musical insights and experiences. I'm grateful for the opportunity to pursue my passion for teaching and playing guitar at UALR, and look forward to my return to academe. I hope to see you all soon at one of the many concerts and events that UALR hosts throughout the year. Thank you for your support and encouragement. 🎸 Happy holidays! -ED