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In learning the Bebop Scale, it's not only necessary to learn the patterns but in conjunction with solid jazz vocabulary and phrases. If you're a jazz guitarist, you'll want to study the playing of legendary jazz guitarist, George Benson. 

Transcribed and organized licks/phrases by function from the epic jazz guitar solo, Billie's Bounce by George Benson.

Bebop, Blues, Prepping the IV, Major and Minor Blues Licks.

View how he uses Rhythm in his solo lines to create excitement and forward motion. 

PDF of transcribed licks from the solo (almost entire solo!)

Recordings: Licks and Studio Session of Billie's Bounce with Herbie Hancock, Ron Carter.

Slowed Down Versions for close inspection: @ 65% and 85% of the original speed.

Picture of Giblet Gravy album cover.

GEORGE BENSON:Billie's Bounce Solo Licks & Phrases
